16. Doreen Kushner

17202 Cobra Lane
Huntington Beach 92647

Access: Accessible except for a 4” step

This is truly a personal work of art. Every pattern is created with thousands of cuttings individually placed, like the strokes of a brush.  The front yard includes a small lawn with a curving border beyond which are thousands of jade cuttings of various shades of red, yellow, and green; four types of mature palm trees; succulents & cacti of diverse colors and textures; asparagus ferns; sticks on fire; variegated shrubs; and other water-friendly plants. In the back, there is no grass.  Instead, you will find a succulent paradise with many varieties of cactus, echeveria, aloe, lithops, euphorbia, baby toes, graptopetalum, haworthia, kalanchoe, pachyphytum, sansevieria, sedum, sempervivum, senecio, stapelia, split rock, agave, and more! There are inventive handmade planters and two seating areas upon river rock, which are bounded by a wandering flagstone path that extends to the side of the house and the rear of the yard. There are treasure boxes and ribbons of succulents, each telling its own story. At the base of a mature ficus is a large octopus rendering with carefully placed stones of alternating colors. Finally, silver carpet and attic treasures dot the yard, adding areas of interest everywhere.  Guests of past tours have been overheard saying, “Holey smoke”, “Wow, look at that!” and “So creative”.

a 501(c)(3) Public Charity

9681 Flounder Drive
Huntington Beach, CA

No price will ever be put on viewing the gardens. Let your heart dictate and let those who can dig down deep. Each home will have a donation table. Cash or checks will be gratefully accepted.


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